Tuesday, 14 September 2021



"The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourself."

On 11th of September 2021, Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated in our Vidyalaya in the presence of Chief Guests Shri Anil Dey (Teacher, GMS Billiground) and Shri Amar Baul (Chair Person, SMC).

Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated with the motto of -

*Inculcating patriotism in the youths.       *Spreading the messages of Swami Vivekananda.       *Spreading the feeling of Brotherhood among people.

Swami Vivekananda spoke on the following lectures in the World's Parliament of Religions at the Art Institute of chicago.
  • Response to welcome 11th September 1893)
  • Why we disagree (15th September 1893)
  • Paper on Hinduism (19th September 1893)
  • Religion not the crying need of India (20th September 1893)
  • Buddhism, the fulfillment of Hinduism (26th September 1893)
  • Address at the final session (27th September 1893)
A teaching staff, Siddhartha Ejerder of our school spoke on the significance of Universal Brotherhood Day. All over the program was a effective one, a reunion of the importance of Universal Brotherhood in the mind of youngsters. With the contribution of all the staffs and students the program was conducted sucessfully.

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